Wednesday 10 April 2019

Lines and Curves

I’ve always wondered where the line stands between straight and curvy. If you magnify anything enough times; eventually you’ll see the square pixels showing how the curve forms into squares. If you do the same with lines, it’s just endless. But in the real world it’s the other way around. No matter how something straight might appear to the naked eye; you’ll soon find an imperfection if you keep magnifying it. It’s impossible to find a straight line in real life. There’s got to be an abrasion somewhere. It might be the tiniest of chips from the moment it’s manufactured and laid to rest on another surface. It’s impossible to draw a straight line in the real world. The ink must flow over somewhere as it dries. With new technologies the thin line might get finer and finer but the line has to be drawn somewhere. That’s why computers must learn that they don’t exist in a perfect world.

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