Sunday 7 April 2019

Not on the High Street

Sometimes it’s difficult not to shop on-line to find the product that you want. A lot of the time you may think it’s cheaper; and it’s not just the sale price involved but the physical cost of having to get to the store too. If you drive or take the bus; for most people you have to pay for petrol or the fare; and the cost of parking too; not to mention running costs. Then there’s also availability and accountability. If the item’s not available in the shops then the only option is to buy it on-line. That’s why companies are hell-bent on cookies nowadays; they want to track what you’re searching for to analyse whether they should to stock the product that you’re searching for. Then you’ve got people who buy in bulk to take advantages of when shops do give big discounts and sell them online for themselves and take a slice of the profits. No wonder the high street is in trouble.

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