Tuesday 9 April 2019

The Barging Bus #dream diary 75

I’m on holiday with some friends and we’re visiting historic cities. We’ve gotten some advice off an Irish bus driver about where to park in relation to where we need to visit while we’re in the pub. He’s a spitting image of Daphne Moon’s father off Frasier in a hi-vis vest. We arrive in the city but we’re struggling to find the district. We’re using every roundabout to drive in as many small circles as possible to spot a road sign to point us in the right direction. As we drive through a narrow street surrounded by tall redbrick buildings from both sides, a bus turns a corner and approaches us. I swing into a passing point to let the bus pass which is hidden in a tunnel, but it forces the bus to enter the tunnel at an odd angle. As the bus passes us and exits the tunnel its front clips the front of the tunnel. It’s the same Irish driver who exits the bus to survey the damage. He asks his passengers to exit the vehicle and instructs us to do the same. He then gets on his phone to phone for help, and I ask to borrow my friend’s phone to take pictures of the position of the bus in relation to where our car is to ensure that we’re not at fault.

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