Wednesday 17 April 2019

Mr. Bean: The Animated Series

This simple series catches the simple innocence of Mr. Bean and his antics for children. There’re some well-written episodes as well as some rushed ones; but the treasure hunt has to be my favourite. He encounters several stereotypical characters that every neighbourhood has and faces real-life situations. Most of the comedy arises from the simplest of solutions that just needs him to ask for help, but he’s a character who’s keen to assert his own independence and get the job done as quickly and efficiently as possible. There’s plenty of mad driving in his iconic mini; and a very voluptuous lady in the restaurant episode. The dominance that Mrs. Wicket has over him isn’t fully explained; perhaps he agrees to do chores for her in exchange for a discount on the rent. The music for the show is also catchy; combining classic and chaos. I can’t believe that there’s even a game and app available too!

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