Monday 29 April 2019

The Night before the Morning After #Titannabell 4

From the top of the castle tower, Olivia had access to some startling views. Not only was the castle situated at the highest point of the Kingdom, it was very close to some of the Kingdom’s borders too. One thing that the children were told about but were never permitted to visit was the giant kingdom beyond. But on this night of all nights, all Olivia wanted to do was just get away. Because of all the extra lessons, she felt that she had no-one to confide in. No-one would notice; they would be much too busy making their own preparations. And so, as soon as the thuds of castle life became less and frequent, she slipped out into the darkness wearing nothing but her nightgown. And there, with the freedom of glass clenched in her toes, she ran across the border into the giant kingdom, pausing outside a large cave for some rest.

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