Wednesday 1 May 2019

Lockdown: Part Two #scavenger 11

Kit was being chased. He’d managed to break out his containment chamber in the science division while the eggheads were at lunch. They’d released the clamps once the car was safely inside. However, what they didn’t count on was the maintenance guy opening the main door to sweep the leaves out. Unfortunately, the army had stepped up its perimeter fences in the nick of time, and tanks were homing in on his location. Just one shot would take out his tyres which would make his escape all the slower. But if Kit could get to Kat, things could get a lot easier. While Kat’s rails and rotors were heavily clamped; her engines weren’t. All Kit had to do was eject his doors so that Kat could eject her motors onto his magnetised frames. Then it was just a case of getting up to speed on the runway outside. They’d never see this one coming.

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