Monday 13 May 2019

We Shall not be Moved

What can the authorities do to you when you can refuse to budge? They may not have the legal ability to remove you, but they can find someone who can. It depends how confident those in power feel. In the meantime, they’ll ignore you and tend to everyone else while they call more people in. Those other people waiting will tend to ignore you too or at least look down upon you in disgust. Don’t expect to make any new friends unless you feel that your cause is truly just and that you’re prepared to explain it to them. And eventually, someone will have the authority to remove you. And in the meantime, you’re taking up a heck of everyone else’s time. So you have to weigh up the options and calculate whether it’s worth it. And maybe come up with an exit strategy just in case that it doesn’t work out for you.

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