Wednesday 22 May 2019

The Tomb

How would you like to be put on display when you die? Would you like to be lit up in your own crevice on display with a guide informing visitors of your exploits? Would you like to be put in a hole in the ground out of everyone’s way where you can rest in peace? Having a tomb takes up more room as in theory your marker will be there forever; or at least until records end and your tombstone collapses. But then you’re confined to the place that you’re buried. Or would you like to be burnt to a crisp then (hopefully) be scattered at a place of your choosing and join the winds of time? The latter sounds the most novelistic and lets you move forward into the next realm, but it doesn’t leave much in the way of evidence that you’ve been present; apart from in your descendants and your physical belongings that may eventually be disposed of.

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