Monday 6 May 2019

What the Camera Saw

What magical moment have I captured on the hillside here? At first glance, it seems that a proposal is taking place. A man is bent over with something cupped in his hands over a woman who is sitting down on a bench. But a simple zoom reveals the truth; they are both holding mobile phones. I suppose that the man could be loading a picture of an engagement ring on his phone; though the woman wouldn’t be too impressed. It’s a bit hard to make out what the woman is holding. My guess is a pair of headphones. Maybe they’re downloading an audio tour of what they can see at this viewpoint. From their angle, the trees would tend to obstruct the view, so they’re obviously looking for privacy. Or they could be in the middle of an ambush. The smaller trees have distracted them while the larger trees are preparing to sneak up on them from behind.

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