Friday 31 May 2019

My New Big Friend #Titannabell 6

As daylight dawned, Olivia had begun to warm to her new friend. They both decided that staying put would leave them in a better situation than wandering about aimlessly. Anthony had been ridiculed by his peers for being too short for his age, and was often left out of games or left to be chosen last. Still, it was quite hard to wander around the rest of the kingdom as a giant. His ‘comfort cave’, as he had come to call it; was just outside of the giant’s forbidden zone; yet his smaller stature was still small enough to evade the border patrols. They agreed to meet once a week in the cave to discuss their feelings, and Olivia promised to bring a picnic next time.
Olivia sneaked back to the castle grounds and was spotted by a soldier patrolling the pavilion where the wedding was to take place. She told him that she wanted to get a sense of the atmosphere and some fresh air before making her morning preparations, and was promptly escorted back to her room where her entourage was waiting for her.

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