Monday 27 May 2019

Take me to my Leader

So Theresa May’s finally decided that she’s had enough of being at the top spot and is fleeing the throne to pastures new. Maybe she’s gone to hang out with David Cameron in his back garden. She’s tried to do a tough job. But when your team is constantly criticising you for doing the right thing; it’s hard to get things done. That’s why Brexit’s such a mess. And with the other half now breaking down into further factions; each with their own agenda; it’s unclear who will be our new leader and what their policies will be. Will it be a mop-haired pisshead? Will it be a bearded has-been with international friends in high places? Will it be a racial fascist? One thing’s for sure – we’re going to go on divided for a long time. There’s going to be election after election while the rest of us must go on with this instability.

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