Thursday 16 May 2019

Choose your God

We all know an hear about the Greek Gods. Maybe they’ve been immortalised in our films too many times or maybe it’s just because we’re Europeans. But we know so little about the Egyptian Gods. A lot of them seem to be related (as royalty usually is), and the others seem to be related to animals who help people. Should we rely on animals to help us more; or are they helping us out already by becoming part of the food chain? I wonder if anyone worships any of these gods any more, or have they been replaced by modern equivalents? Were these people simply well known for their logic and wisdom as latter-day celebrities? Are Trollz just icons and dolls of the modern-day Bes? Were there national gods and local gods? And if these Gods were real, what would happen if they descended upon this earth again? At least they’re a method of getting people to come together.

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