Sunday 19 May 2019

BBC's Watership Down

This was a very dark adaption of the classic tale. It got gory in the fight scenes which would upset younger viewers. The rabbits themselves were very thin and looked more like hares than rabbits; and it was a shame that the animators didn’t try to make them look cuddlier and cuter. There was also a lot of confusion about who was who at times; and perhaps the creators should have swallowed their realism a little bit and make better use of colours. Because of this, it was also unclear what was happening to who in certain scenes; most notable the arrival of the fox and the dog. I loved the little hidden Easter Egg of a memorial bench with Richard Adams’ name engraved on a plaque; and thought it a terrible shame that they missed out Adams’s famous escape scene. Their substitution (which was Fiver’s vision) also took up very little airtime despite the build-up in the flash-forwards that he had. The all-star cast worked well but the animation and the focus on the wrong side of the story lets this show down.

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