Sunday 12 May 2019

Master of the Boxing

I’ve got a friend that’s really into her martial arts. She takes part in a local small club and travels to events near and far. She loves the history of backstreet brawling and the medieval and Victorian fighting styles of old. I went to a session once and it was good fun. Her speciality is urban combat. It’s not just knives and nunchucks that can come charging at you nowadays. If you’re fast enough, a simple item such as a jacket can provide a distraction or can even be used to temporarily blind your opponent. You could even use the sleeves as a strangling device. She’s even gone to seminars to learn that anything that you have in your pockets can be thrown at your opponent to either injure or distract them. You just have to be quick, nimble and accurate in your throw. And hope that your opponent doesn’t run off with the mobile phone or wallet that you’ve just chucked at them.

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