Wednesday 15 May 2019

Fi Fi Fo... #Titannabell 5

After a while, Olivia could hear some sobbing coming from outside the cave. As she looked inside, she could just about make out the faint glow of some embers.
‘Hello?’ she called. ‘Is there anyone there?’ The sobbing ceased. Olivia decided to step over the threshold and enter the cave. She might be able to take in some warmth from the fire.
‘W-who are you? Who’s that?’
‘My name’s Olivia. I live in the castle.’
‘The castle? What are you doing here?’
‘I-I ran away.’
‘I was thinking of doing that. Where will you go?’
‘I don’t know.’
‘I was struggling with the same thing. Round here I may be small but people know me. Out there it’s scary and I don’t know how things will turn out. I’m Anthony. Come closer so that I can see you.’
‘Olivia approached the fire. At first, she couldn’t see where the voice was coming from. Then she spotted two tall trunks clasped together. But why would trees be in a cave? Unless they were roots? She followed them up to the roof of the cave and saw a giant mass of hair attached to a huge, hairy body.
 ‘Have you been gone for long?’

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