Tuesday 21 May 2019

Let's do the Timewarp again

'Excuse me sir, would you mind taking a step to the left? Thank you very much. And now, if you’d like to, feel free to jump to the right.' I wonder in how many places could you persuade people to burst out into spontaneous song and dance just by uttering these simple words. It’s usually when members of the public form a queue while obstructing the path of someone else; most likely a staff member carrying boxes. Most people will have a giggle then go back to chatting about their wait in the queue, hoping that the person that they’ve let through will somehow speed things up. It’d be very impressive if the employee started to dance with their goods in hand. But you never know. If enough people do join in, you might be granted the ability to travel through time. Let’s hope that they’re people that you get on with. Or at least that they’re good-looking when you start doing the pelvic thrust. It might happen, but attending a screening of The Rocky Horror Show doesn’t count.

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