Saturday 25 May 2019

No Talk at Tui

This year, the role of the holiday rep has undergone a massive transformation. From the moment we set foot on foreign soil, the people at Tui seemed to dictate every movement. We found our transfer bus with no problems thanks to their guide outside the airport, but their customer service afterwards could have done with a bit more personal service. Rather than have a guide talk us through sights on the island, we had a young man who popped his head through the door to hand us a welcome envelope before disappearing again. That left the driver to do the role of hotel announcer as well as chauffeur; a role that he clearly was not happy about and he even had to wake some people up to announce their stop. At our hotel we chose to relax rather than spend an hour at the welcome meeting, but it took some time to establish what time was our bus back, which they got wrong. And then before letting us off the bus, an airport greeter boarded the bus just to ask for feedback about the company. It was all their agenda and there was no engagement or chit-chat.

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