Sunday 5 May 2019

The Nip

I’ve been getting a bit too close in the car lately. I’ve been driving a bit too close to some other cars with some very narrow misses. Last week we had an appointment to keep. We weren’t entirely sure where we were going and we’d already heard on the radio that there would be a traffic delay on the motorway. So after overtaking a bus while praying to hear a traffic update; I then drive past a parked car on the road outside a pharmacy where my passenger mirror hit his driver’s mirror. I knew that there was no damage but I saw his reaction in the wing mirror so I had to stop and found a spot twenty feet further down to the road to pull over. As I walked back, he’d got out out of the car and was trying to spot the damage. He was relieved when I came over to apologise and was happy that that was the only impact that had occurred; especially that no damage had been caused to his electric mirror. So back on the road we went, but I had to adjust my mirror back into position.

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