Monday 20 May 2019

The Gateway

A lot of work went into creating this stained-glass window. The green on the outer side instantly makes me think that it’s a doorway to a garden. Look closer and the large chalice on top of the shield even has a face shaped like a lion. But any historian will tell you that the arm and hammer protruding out of the chalice represents the hard work of the Brummies during the industrial revelation. But what’s missing here is the traditional helmet that you see on the traditional Birmingham coat of arms. the figures are also reversed; but maybe that’s because the window was designed to be viewed from the outside rather than within. There’s no toilet paper here unlike the traditional sign as well. I’ve got no idea what the blue bits sticking out of the shield represent though. Maybe it’s space tentacles crying out for horiculturalism and green space as they stretch towards the garden.  

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