Tuesday 1 May 2018

Festival Mascot

Man meets monkey. It looks more like a panda but I like the alliteration. I often thought of filming a travelling guide with a stuffed animal to the world of pubs but I’d need a team and a lot more planning to make it feasible. You’d need to have a good perspective and plan what you’re going to say. You’ll need a quality camera and a laptop so that you can review the footage while you’re there so you know when you’ve got a decent shot. It’ll look a bit daft to walk in on your own with a stuffed animal on you shoulder. You’ll never know how the public is going to react. And you’re probably going to need permission to film nowadays as most places are owned by someone. And who’s going to allow permission to film for a crap review? The only way to get around it is to talk about your experience afterwards and the camera was hidden inside the stuffed animal. 

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