Thursday 3 May 2018

Snowed Out

It’s annoying when you’re trying to get to sleep as a volunteer when there’s a group of idiots who just want to party. But that’s the situation I found myself in when I was volunteering at last year’s Bromsgrove Beer Festival. I’m on the committee but I refuse to act as the night steward. But one of the committee turned fifty; so he decided to take the night off with his friends and family to join the Rugby club’s band. This in itself is absolutely fine. He’s been working hard during the week to rack up the beers. The problem started afterwards when he decided to hold his own after-hours party in the marquee; with access to a P.A system to blast music through his phone. We even had the Rugby Club steward popping over to complain that the neighbours have rang her to do the same thing. And there’s me who’s done a full day’s work and all I want to is to fall asleep. But the only thing to do is to sit up and watch them have their fun and have another beer too.

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