Saturday 19 May 2018

Jaffa Surprise!

We’d been eating out for a works bash to bid farewell to someone who left. We’d had a hearty meal and the company had subsidised some of the grub. I had a seasonal steak with a prawn topping and it was very good, but the need for dessert was calling. Half the group had already departed because it was getting late and the choices were quite limited. The only dessert I fancied was their giant Jaffa cake; a large cake covered in chocolate Jaffa sauce with ice cream. The menu recommended sharing, but when it arrived it didn’t look that big so I dug in all on my own. To be honest; it looked like a giant piece of wet cow pat with a decorative piece of ice cream on top. It was messy and chocolatey and you could taste the orange in the sauce but I did manage to scoff down the whole thing.

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