Wednesday 23 May 2018

Pack up your Troubles

It’s funny where you end up pitching up for the night. Packhorse Farm wasn’t my first choice but at least they had an on-line booking system so I was guaranteed a spot. The journey was a bit disappointing as I’d planned a stop to see a castle along the way, but I didn’t trust the sat-nav and ended up joining the motorway further up than I should have done. Then I headed up towards an accident but I managed to get off the motorway and head into the city. Luckily, I have a good sense of direction. I stopped off at a McDonald’s for lunch and used their wi-fi to check my route. I think it was the smallest McDonalds that I’d even been in. Then it was onto the campsite itself. It was well sign-posted from the road out of the village and I pulled up outside their barn in no time.

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