Thursday 10 May 2018

Keeping it up

My Mum’s laptop keeps overheating. It’s weird because mine never does and it’s older than hers; plus, mine seems to attract more dust too. They are different makes so that could be something to do with it. Maybe the reason that hers is shutting itself down is because she’s using it more to play silly Facebook games. It’s annoying for her because she can’t get stuff which in turn complains to me which means that I can’t get stuff done. Yesterday I tried to use the virus checker but the computer wouldn’t stay long enough for the program to run. So I found a simple solution. By propping the laptop up on top of two books either side gave it the extra room it needed for the heat to escape through the vents. And the vents themselves seem to be facing shut too. I started to turn a couple of screws out to have a proper look but I couldn’t get the panel open properly so I gave up as I didn’t want to do any damage. So I’ll guess she’ll have to keep propping it up on books for a while…

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