Thursday 24 May 2018

A Smashing Time

My brother managed to do the impossible last month. We’d set up my Wii console up on my Mum’s telly downstairs so that we could have a few frames of bowling. My sister-in-law decided to take my youngest niece home to bed while I carried on playing with my eldest niece. My brother took my youngest’s place, and as we were reaching the end of the game he decided to get a bit more ambitious and begin his attempt with an actual run. And before you knew it, he’d charged and his remote tumbled out of his hand into the TV. I suppose it was my fault really as I couldn’t get the wrist straps back on and my niece was waiting impatiently. We could hear sound and see a large split line down the middle of the screen. When we switched back to TV mode, we just got a black screen.

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