Sunday 13 May 2018

Terms and Conditions of Being under the Influence #Sharrack5

The downside of Sergeant Sharrack’s licence was that he had to leave all the local bars an hour earlier before everyone else or risk having his licence confiscated by the locals. It wasn’t a document that he wanted to fall into enemy hands. Of course this meant that he had a good hour before everyone else to discover where the after-hours booze was kept; and in what container it came in. If he wasn’t ready to go; he’d also quote the time difference in the hope that he’d swing an extra hour; depending on how intelligent the locals were. Because he wasn’t allowed to remain sober during closing time he actually found it easier to be sober during opening hours so that he could keep one ear on the ground listening to the chats of the locals. And once he’d found the booze, he often had to recruit someone to help him to avoid any damage to the vessel’s contents.

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