Sunday 20 May 2018

The Hunt for the Missing Flash Drive

Mum wanted to get a picture of my brother’s wedding hung on the wall using an old frame that previously had a picture of her standing next to a tree on the beach. I started by sorting out a digital picture on my hard drive. This done, I somehow had to get the picture down to the shop. The easiest way to do this would be to put it onto a flash drive so I could just plug into the printing booth. But my flash drive was nowhere to be found. I found Dad’s old flash drive which still had some company files on it; but my flash drive was a lot bigger and I wanted to move some larger files between computers later. This led to a huge sort-out which led a pilgrimage of every available drawer in my room. After chucking a lot of paperwork away; I eventually remembered that we use it for Dad’s digital photo frame for whenever we have visitors.

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