Sunday 6 May 2018

Welcome to Moe's

Night time arrived after our long journey and we needed something to eat. We didn’t want to venture too far from our hotel and we weren’t sure of our immediate area. All we knew that there was a train station and a university nearby and there was a road with a chain of restaurants. A lot of these places seemed to be fast food joints; but based on an episode of Undercover Boss that I’d seen; we decided to have a look at Moe’s. We ventured inside and got our welcome from the servers; though we didn’t notice it as we were trying to figure out the menu on the wall. We instantly saw an open kitchen where we had to move in line in front of it; and it wasn’t causal dining. The staff seemed to be a bit rude and rushed; even though it wasn’t exactly busy. We didn’t realise that we’d get a huge side of tortilla chips with our food; which was a bonus. It was a fun meal and I’d definitely try Moe’s again; but maybe for lunch rather than an evening one.

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