Thursday 30 November 2017

Stonehenge Sign of Spring at the CAMRA Member Bar, Bournemouth 2017

Spring had been and gone by the time I got myself sorted and ventured out of the hotel on Saturday. It was blazingly hot and every Londoner and his dog had migrated to Bournemouth to enjoy the sunshine; perhaps some were relaxing after the big match that day. I fancied an ice cream and took to the beach; but queues for these sorts of shops were massive. After a walk round the pier and watching people zipline off towards the beach; I decided to walk alongside the sea to as far as Boscombe to try and find an ice cream vendor that didn’t have a massive queue. Along the coastal path I was passed by the famous land train and cyclists on novelty bicycles that were done out like giant motorbikes. The gaps between kiosks got shorter and shorter, but the lines just got longer. Eventually I reached Boscombe and got in line for the next vendor I saw. I queued for twenty minutes and the line didn’t seem to be moving. But it was worth it; I got a double scoop of Jaffa-cake flavoured ice cream. 

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