Thursday 23 November 2017

Pondering in a Pub #dreamdiary44

I’m out for a walk with two old high school chums. We catch a bus for a night on the town, and I get off just around the third corner. Then I check into a posh hotel with all these foreign students; but it turns out that it’s actually a hostel and we’re all sharing the same room. My bed is next to the lovely Flo; an Italian girl who I met at university. I decide to venture out for evening drinks to find my school friends but they’re nowhere to be found. I scour the city’s bars but there’s no traces of them in any of them. I buy a pint in a pub called the William Gladstone; prop up a long bar-like table facing the window; and stare out of the window and into the night to ponder my next move. But the weirdest thing of all was that I actually dreamed that I was writing this dream down on my notepad ready for typing into my computer.

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