Wednesday 15 November 2017

Bring back the Faraway Tree #dreamdiary43

There’s a very large oak tree at the top of a hill. There are many trees like it; but this one is the tallest. In this tree are many windows. They’re in a high semi-circle arch shape with a double-crossed glazed crucifix painted through them.  I feel like it’s a gothic version of Enid Blyton’s The Faraway Tree. Someone would make a killing if they brought this franchise to the big screen right now. There’s also some carrots dancing outside; but I’m so absorbed in the route of the walk that I’m doing that I womble right past. Inside, Moonface is reading his books in all his celestial glory. Just think of all the solitude that you could find in this place; think of all the tasks that you could get done by living in the forest without any online distractions. You’ll have to hide when the famous five come round to knock on the door for tea; but they’ll also be a lot of time for parties when each land comes to visit the forest.

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