Monday 20 November 2017

Stone Circles

After parking and tucking into a mid-journey snack, I joined up with English Heritage and wandered about the make-shift neo-lithic village. There was also a lot of construction work on alongside some unfinished and closed exhibits in the visitor’s centre. After setting off down the main road towards the site; I realised that a round trip would take forty minutes to complete, so I turned back and got into the queue for the courtesy shuttle that was included in the admission ticket. When I got to the site, the main stones were roped off and there was a very worn circular path which we had to follow in a clockwise direction. Even though it was only April, there were quite a few international visitors around. Nevertheless, I was still awed by the majesty of the site, and in the gift shop I bought a miniature model in a tin alongside my standard keyring. What was stranger was that on my way out; there were a number of people in suits just lounging about in the car park.

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