Thursday 16 November 2017

Whoopsie Daisy Angel

And now it’s my turn. Unfortunately, it’s not Ring a Ring of Roses. Stuck between the gym and going to work; I’m forced outside in my slippers to perform my niece’s starring role in her Christmas play while leading my younger niece round the garden in a series of faster and faster spinning circles. I look like a giant dizzy penguin; and nothing like a snowflake as depicted in the song. If I am indeed the Whoopsie Daisy Angel; I certainly live up to her clumsiness by forgetting my angel costume and not learning my lines. Even next door’s dog grew impatient at the delay to our lyrics at the start of the song. It took me a long while to sit down; but I get an encouraging round of applause from my smaller niece once I’ve done so. Luckily, I manged to tire her out a little bit. As for the big one; who knows when she gets bored of performing?

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