Thursday 9 November 2017

The Last Customer

It’s home time but unfortunately the shop isn’t shut. There’s still a queue of customers who believe that you’re here until the lights go out and it’s time for the staff to go back into their boxes. There’s some who’s refusing to move until they’ve received their delivery. There’s someone who wants a complicated refund. And there’s someone who just can’t make up their mind and has forgotten their pin. You smile and try put on as much charm as possible; but inside you just want them to give up and walk away; and plot for the quickest way to turn them away from your counter. Who are these people who are detaining you? Where is the support to relieve you? And why don’t they appreciate the extra effort that you’re going to to help them on their way? Occasionally you might get an appreciative thank-you from the person that you’re serving; but the next one looks at you with evil in their eyes and so much contempt if you don’t tend to them. But the real acknowledgement should come from the management team. It’s when they complain to you about the lack of staff rather than appreciate the extra time that you’ve put in that you begin to lose your faith in them. And when you’re trying to get out the door; the last thing that you want is for them to be all chatty and find about your weekend plans. They’ve had all day to do that. 

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