Saturday 11 November 2017

Just Desserts #dreamdiary42

It’s my cousin’s wedding day. Actually I’m not sure what relation he is to me; but it’s something to do with my Dad. He’s quite a small chap; but he’s well connected. He’s been promoted in a manager’s position that I’ve previously applied for; and since then he’s gone on to become the manager of a brand new store as well as a manager of a new distribution centre. In between, I’ve attended his engagement party (where he was pissed as a fart and had to be taken home early); and his wedding day where he barely acknowledged my attendance. It therefore gave me great pleasure to punch him in the nose on his way to attend his wedding ceremony; complete in bridegroom clobber. Granted; the punch was on my home turf more than his and it was nowhere near where the actual ceremony took place; but I’d certainly do it in real life in exchange for all the family support that he’s provided.

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