Friday 24 November 2017

Dancing Man Bone Dry at CAMRA Members Weekend, Bournemouth

What a strange name for a brewery. Are they implying that this beer wants to make men boogie? Once consumed; you’ll just want to get up and strut your stuff? I certainly was dancing at the end of it; but it was more to do with the other beers that I’d had rather than this particular beverage. Or maybe it’s the men that make it that dance. Perhaps they have a certain routine that they have to bang their bungs into the barrel in time with the music on the radio. It also makes dray deliveries an interesting experience. And I wasn’t actually bone dry either; it was the second beer I’d had since a long coach ride back. Are the bones crunched into powder and used as finings or are they just left to soak into the brew? It’s also unfined, so the bones are sourced fresh from the bones of dancing men. Or perhaps it’s the dance routines that are a bit orthodox. Those poor brewers.

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