Monday 27 November 2017

Watch out; Facebook is watching...

Have you seen Facebook’s new spying feature? Every time you check in; it wants you to find out some information about the venue. But when you’re out and about, the last thing you want to do is go and find out what their opening hours are. It really gets in the way of your visit. Then later; it tells you how accurate you were as if it’s all a test. So do they take the highest score every time someone checks in and makes the decision themselves? Or do they forward the information to the venue owner to update? There’s also some very loose questions. Is this place romantic? Surely it depends on the atmosphere at the time. Sometimes a restaurant can be quiet but at other times there’ll be a large rowdy party in the room. Even if you skip through the questions; it wants you to write a review later so that it can compete with other websites…Facebook is watching.

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