Saturday 4 November 2017

Beer is Best!

Whenever Mike was in battle, he always made sure that his best mate Dave the Dray wasn’t too far away. As soon as they’d gained some ground on the battlefield; Dave was always safely parked behind the nearest bunker with the greatest protection possible. Mike would always make sure that there wasn’t a scratch on Dave’s truck, commandeering the whole squad where necessary to keep the shell shiny. And should they have the need to fall back; Mike was the first to get the message to Dave and ensured that the retreat point was known to him at all times. For Dave carried the very best of supplies; the evening’s beer rations. Mike was never allowed to ride with Dave; the urge to crack open a brew before Sarge’s permission was just too tempting; but Dave always thanked Mike for keeping safe by letting him be the first to cap off the day’s rations. 

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