Sunday 12 November 2017

Family Dining

Going for a curry has changed. It used to be a question about survival. You’d walk in with your mates after a few beers and order the hottest curry available alongside ‘some of them giant crisps’ to keep you going while you wait. But the Indian restaurants of today are much less macho. Their extended range allows them to cater for a much wider variety of pallets where medium or mild spices are the norm which can be made if you ask them to. Larger groups mean that picky diners can share their dishes with others; or at least allow them the flexibility to share a range of side dishes; which is especially useful for younger diners. The best Indians focus on the food rather than the drinks; and if they let you bring your own then you know that you’re onto a winner. And as long as you’re happy to try something different each time, then they’re more than happy to serve you.

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