Saturday 18 November 2017

Stuck at Stonehenge

I’ve always wanted to visit Stonehenge. Apparently I visited in my younger years but I was too young to remember. I’d planned to visit a lot of historical sites this year with some student friends; so this gave me a great excuse to call in on Stonehenge on my way down to Bournemouth and become a member of English Heritage at the same time. This would mean that I would be able to visit one of the moist expensive sites in the country for free as part of my membership. I’d opted for the scenic route down which would take me through Evesham; where I stopped off to buy some toiletries that I’d forgotten and bought a cup of coffee for the journey. But once I’d crossed Worcestershire; the roads got extremely rural. Eventually I reached the main road and spotted the signs to Stonehenge; so I started to ignore the sat-nav. But what I didn’t realise was that the sat-nav was taking me a different route to avoid the traffic.

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