Monday 13 November 2017

Buggered at Byron's

I’ve heard good things about Byron’s Burgers. It was recommended by someone at work and I wasn’t sure if they were linked to the brewery of the same name; until I encountered another branch in Liverpool. When we popped in it was on a late Saturday afternoon so we thought it’d be reasonably quiet; done with the lunches and too early for dinner. But this was not to be. Although we didn’t have to queue for a table; the people after us did. But I couldn’t understand it. The burgers sounded delicious but weren’t supersized for the price; and fries weren’t included either; making the average meal about £12. We also ordered some traditional malts but didn’t arrive until the food was served as an afterthought. I was hoping to strike them from the bill and go elsewhere; but sadly that was not to be either. The whole place just seemed a little unprofessional with kitchen assistants bringing boxes of frozen food up from the cellar in front of people. And attention to detail wasn’t on the menu either; tables weren’t being cleaned properly with food simply swept onto the floor underneath the table. Don’t wear sandals if you visit.

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