Tuesday 28 November 2017

Hattie Browns Moonlite at CAMRA Members Bar, Bournemouth

The coach arrived back fairly late in the evening; which meant that the Member’s bar was quite deserted. Most attendees would have either gone off to explore the local venues or find food or shelter, which just meant that just a handful of diehards were present along with latecomers and other trip attendees. I got myself a glass and tokens and picked out a low gravity bitter to try which had a soothing and steady effect. There were a few familiar faces to say hello to; but all were heavily engaged in conversation and I barely got a nod of recognition. After managing two more beers I decided to call it a night and returned my glass; but strangely I don’t remember any more. I somehow woke up the following morning with a sickness bug on my mattress while fully dressed. There was also a very strange smell on my trainers; and I’m still unsure whether I had a light retching or I stepped in something on the way back. Reports from witnesses the following day state that I was “a bit wobbly”.

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