Friday 3 November 2017

The Woes of World Cup Rugby

What’s going on with the Rugby League World Cup? It’s all gone a bit too commercial. Suddenly there’s adverts for KFC and Australian phone companies jumping out of the pitch. Like that’s a great way to help promote a healthy lifestyle when you’re playing sport. It might be OK if you’re a professional bulking up for your next game with a protein fix; but what is it saying to the spectators; especially when it’s broadcast on a Saturday morning, which is primetime TV for youngsters. And why are the referees wearing pink? I appreciate that New Zealand might not appreciate an all-black shirt; but they could have least added some white stripes to cover themselves? Even the head trainer wore orange. Finally, the England team have taken sponsorship to a new level by getting their arses sponsored by a betting firm. It looks like they’re trying to attract a new audience. Anyway; if you’ll excuse me I’m off to buy some large chips with gravy for $2.50.

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