Friday 17 November 2017

Yes I Can

"Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right." -Henry Ford

Henry Ford challenges people to put their beliefs to good use; but in effect he’s saying that only you know whether or not you can do the task. You’ve got to will yourself to do something in order to be successful, and you can’t rely on others to convince you to achieve your goals. If you’re gearing yourself up for a sporting competition; this phrase might create some disappointment afterwards if you prove yourself wrong; especially if you’re part of a team. But what if Ford himself was wrong? All modern cars come from Ford’s traditional design; which in itself is just a horseless stagecoach. Not much of an improvement when you think about it. Would a pyramid be safer; or a rubber ball? Or why not a high-speed conveyor belt public transport system? Some may go to great to lengths to argue that Ford’s invention has doomed us all to fat slobs who pollute the atmosphere and that he’s the slowest ever antagonist of our Armageddon. Time shall tell. 

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