Friday 1 December 2017

A Troubling Breakfast at the Trouville

I’m usually not too worried about dining alone; but when you’re in a hotel it’s a bit more inconspicuous as you tend to see the same people every day. But I was hungry and I’d showered and made by best to look respectable. There was an Indian maître’ d who was waiting to greet me upon my entry to the dining room; and after ticking me off his list he beckoned me to follow him to a table. After following him to two other members of staff which he had conversations with in another language; I was remembered again and led to a table. I wondered if he had difficulties seeing me behind him as he did have just the one eye. He arranged for fresh coffee for me and invited me to help myself to the continental buffet. But the strange thing was that the full English was supervised. It wasn’t cooked to order and it was laid out like a buffet but you weren’t allowed to help yourself. They’re obviously counting the pennies.

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