Tuesday 12 December 2017

Bluebell Walk

Mum needed a lot of support while Dad was undergoing dialysis; and although she wanted to go on the walking group; it would mean putting herself on show a bit. Dad wanted her to go, and being as I had the day off work I decided to go with her. Today’s walk was through Wirehill Woods; a strange name since it was a good two miles from Wirehill, and it also backs onto Rough Hill Woods and climbs the ridge onto Studley Common.  Nevertheless; if it’s somewhere new then I’m happy to explore it! There was a sign outside erected by the council stating that the site was an area of archeological interest; and it’s easy to see why as you climb the hill. It’s full of bluebells. May is the best month to see them and this wood is so full of them that they give off a natural foggy haze. They just wrap themselves around the trunk of every felled tree and take over. 

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