Saturday 30 December 2017

Dashing like a Mad Squirrel (De La Creme) to the Nag's Head, Reading

Our next official pub on our tour was the Nag’s Head. Some of our group had chosen to get a head start on this so that they could do some other pubs on the way; which including the excellent sounding Purple Turtle. Unfortunately, the pub was closed for a music function and it wasn’t worth buying a ticket for the length of time that we were going to be there for. I’d elected to stay on with the oldies and get a lift on the bus; but we’d been waiting outside for a while. I got bored and decided to make my own way there and catch up with the young ones and get some fresh air on the way; as it was only a kilometre on the way. I staggered through a shopping centre with my phone out trying to work out the best route on foot. Amazingly, I arrived at the Nag’s Head pub to find that I was the first one there.  

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