Sunday 10 December 2017

Ghostfusters #ghostfusters1

While doing some research on Wirehill Woods; I came across a spooky video of a ghost entering an old social club. We see a door open, hear some movement (possibly footsteps) and see a chair move. Now what could be the cause of this? Could there actually be ghosts? Is someone out to catch them? Or is it staged with very fine wire which is why there’s a camera present in the first place? Or is there a natural creature which has a stealth ability and hasn’t as yet been seen by humans? Perhaps these humans are sworn to secrecy and live as a covert society; controlling or directing the future of mankind? Or maybe it’s some kind of super-evolved cat; in which case we’re all doomed. The final moments of the video shows the camera panning down before fading off. Has someone stopped the video and is putting their equipment away, or has the camera been knocked to the ground as it doesn’t want its presence recorded? 

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