Sunday 31 December 2017


After recovering from a cold and spending a day in isolation, I really wanted to do something for New Years’ Eve to see off this terrible year. I was due in at work the day after; but it wold be a quiet day as most people would spend it curled up recovering. I’d invited some friends over with a plan to drink a few beers and play a few hands of cards; and also discuss some plans to have a holiday away somewhere. But not one of them got in touch. And no well wished text messages either. Luckily, I’d got a spiced winter beer that I hadn’t drunk over the festive season and cracked that open and put a pizza into the oven. I then had two options; stay in and try and catch up on everything; or play out an old computer game. I figured that if everyone else could put everything on hold to go and enjoy themselves then I could too. And maybe in the next year I could look for some better friends… 

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