Thursday 7 December 2017

Pup Pains #dreamdiary45

I’m on my way back from a long country walk to my camp site. Along the way I’ve adopted three beautiful puppies from a farmer. The last stretch of the walk is through a bridle path that runs alongside the main road, and the entrance to the site is in the middle. On the other side of the path is a line of fences which backs onto people’s gardens. One of these fences has many holes in the wood panelling; and a German Alsatian is sticking its nose through it protecting its territory. Naturally, the puppies are frightened and scatter in all directions. The owner of the Alsatian comes out to see what all the noise is about; and the puppies slowly congregate at my feet. One of them has lost his fur and is completely bare. I open my satchel to take some notes and get the owner’s address, but my pad is covered in dog shit; and further small pellets of poop come out of one of the other puppies. This is not a good breed to adopt.

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